3 Doors Down “Away From the Sun” Anniversary Tour Heats Up Phoenix


Review and Photos by Megan Juarez-Fontana
Venue: Arizona Financial Theater (https://www.footprintcenter.com/)
Date:  Wednesday July 18, 2023
Tour: Away From the Sun Anniversary Tour

It has been 21 years since Escape From the Sun by 3 Doors Down has been released. Fans were excited to have a night out and celebrate 21 great years of music with other fans!

3 Doors Down was the headlining band of the night and ready to celebrate their music and the music that their fans loved! 3 Doors Down is a post-grunge/hard rock band from Escatawpa, Mississippi. The bands current lineup is made up by Brad Arnold-lead vocals, Chris Henderson – rhythm/guitar/backing vocals, Greg Upchurch – drums,

The first band to open up the night was Candlebox. Candlebox is a grunge/rock band from Seattle, Washington that formed in 1990. In 2000 the band broke up and reunited in 2006. The bands current line up is Kevin Martin- vocals, Adam Kury-bass/vocals, Brian Quinn – guitar, Island Styles – guitar/vocals and BJ Kerwin – drums. 

As they came onto the stage the fans cheered. Everyone was buzzing with glee, ready for a night of wonderful music.  Candlebox opened up with  “Don’t You”. Members in the audience sang along, soaking up every moment that they were experiencing. 

Martin interacted with fans from the very start of their performance. He moved all about the stage, singing to each side. The third song the band performed for their set was “Blossom”.  In the middle of this song Martin grabbed a handful of guitar picks and threw them into the audience. Everyone scrambled to catch one or pick it up off the floor. Guitar picks are one of the most converted souvenirs from a live performance other than setlists. Their performance was a perfect start for a fun filled evening.

Chet Roberts – lead/guitar/vocals and Justin Biltonen – bass.

The band came out onto the stage. Purple light cascaded across the stage creating a pretty highs of blues and violets. The band opened up with “Pop Song”. As soon as the set ended Arnold began to talk to the audience. He made jokes about the heat in Arizona and said that he’s a Mississippi man and is used to the heat but this heat was on another level! The audience clapped and laughed as he said this.

They then played one of their well known songs “When I’m Gone”, the whole audience began to sing along. Not one person could be seen just standing there. This was a song that everyone knew. Even if you didn’t know the title the minute you heard the lyrics you know what song it was. The whole venue vibrated with joy and excitement. The band also moves around the stage so they can be seen at all angles of the venue. 

3 Doors Down puts on a great show! This band truly takes the time to interact with their audience, making sure their fans have a memorable and interactive experience. 3 Doors Down ended the night with their most beloved and popular songs that skyrocketed them to the charts, “Kryptonite”.  The audience screamed the song at the top of their lungs with huge smiles on their faces. 

3 Doors Down

Photos by Megan Juarez-Fontana, All Rights Reserved

The first band to open up the night was Candlebox. Candlebox is a grunge/rock band from Seattle, Washington that formed in 1990. In 2000 the band broke up and reunited in 2006. The bands current line up is Kevin Martin- vocals, Adam Kury-bass/vocals, Brian Quinn – guitar, Island Styles – guitar/vocals and BJ Kerwin – drums. 

As they came onto the stage the fans cheered. Everyone was buzzing with glee, ready for a night of wonderful music. Candlebox opened up with  “Don’t You”. Members in the audience sang along, soaking up every moment that they were experiencing. 

Martin interacted with fans from the very start of their performance. He moved all about the stage, singing to each side. The third song the band performed for their set was “Blossom”.  In the middle of this song Martin grabbed a handful of guitar picks and threw them into the audience. Everyone scrambled to catch one or pick it up off the floor. Guitar picks are one of the most converted souvenirs from a live performance other than setlists. Their performance was a perfect start for a fun filled evening.


Photos by Megan Juarez-Fontana, All Rights Reserved