Frozen Soul Captivates The Souls of Mesa


The night was going to be a fun night if death metal and hardcore. The nights lineup was a great mix of bands with them ending with Frozen Soul. 

The first band to hit the stage was Tribal Gaze. They are a monolithic death metal band from Texas. They hit the stage hard and fast, catching everyone’s attention. They were so full of energy and charisma that it smacked you in the face.  The band members moved to different areas of the stage but the most notable was the singer. The singer had the most energy of them all. He would grab the microphone stand and stage it above his head, he moved from each side of the stage and would run and jump into the air. The audience ate up his antics and enjoyed their performance.

Tribal Gaze

As people waited for the next band to go on they found themselves wandering outside to get some fresh air, in the merchandise line or in line to grab a quick drink. The night was busy as The Nile had a couple shows going on that night. Everyone was in high spirits excited for the night that lay ahead. 

It was finally time for 200 Stab Wounds to take to the stage. 200 Stab Wounds is a death metal band from Cleveland , Ohio. The band is made up by Steve Buhl-vocals/guitar, Lance Buckley-guitar, Ezra Cook-bass, and Owen Pooley-drums. Everyone cheered as the death metal band began to play and show everyone what they had! The band had beats that hit hard and everyone was soaking it up. The energy escalated a little with a few people starting to climb onto the stage and stage dive. The mosh pits really began to move as the band played. Each song drew more people in. The crowd really began to wake up as each song passed. 200 Stab Wounds put on a perfect performance that won many people over. Their energy was high, the music was fast and catchy, while the vocals drew you in. Their show was a great performance and a band I would love to see again.

200 Stab Wounds

The third band of the night was Judiciary. This metalcore band hails from Lubbock, Texas. The bands current line up is made up by Jake Collinson-vocals, Jerel Ramirez-bass, Austin Scott-Looney-drums, Kyle Calvin-guitar, and Israel Garza-guitar. The band took to the stage and instantly captivated the audience. The band moved around but for the most part the guitarist stayed close to the microphone. More people from the audience began to stage dive. Everyone was gaining more confidence and energy as the show continued. Each band brought their own twist to the show and really entertained the audience. Not one person was just standing there. Some people could be seen singing along. At one point Samantha Mobley the bassist from Frozen Soul could be seen taking videos and watching the show from the side lines. It was amazing to see other bands supporting each other. Other band members were side stage watching as well.


It was finally time for Frozen Soul to take the stage and do their thing! This death metal band formed in Dallas, Texas. Their line up consists of Samantha Mobley-bass, Brady Tripp-drums, Chad Green-vocals, Michael Munday-guitar, and Daniel Schmuck-guitar. The band rapidly gained everyone’s attention. This is when things really took off!

Green dedicated their second song to his brother who passed away the year before. Green’s brother’s name was Corey.  The fans cheered as he discarded the song to Corey. After a little while Green told the audience to stage dive and this invitation did not go unanswered. People flocked to the stage in droves, hardcore dancing a cross the stage to then jump off into the audience. There were a few times where the crowd did not watch to catch people and they parted like the Dead Sea. This did not deter the stage divers though, they kept jumping off. The band had double beats and hard hitting riffs coupled with Green’s showmanship was a deadly combination!  Green also would pass his microphone to people to let them sing parts of the songs. This made the fans days and they would never forget these rare moments that an artists let them sing or even hugged and head-banged with them. 

Frozen Soul really knew how to capture the hearts of their fans and make them feel special!  Green addressed the audience and let them know how much he appreciated them and that Arizona was their second home. After the set ended Green and Mobley were taking photographs with fans. They didn’t leave anyone hanging and they showed their fan base how much their support meant. The show was an amazing experience and was instantaneously one of the best shows of the year. 

Frozen Soul