Sublime with Rome 07.31.16


Sublime with Rome performed on July 31, 2016 at Comerica Theatre in Phoenix with the Dirty Heads opening.

Dirty Heads, founded in 1996 by Jared “Dirty J” Watson and Dustin “Duddy B” Bushnell, along with fellow members David Forall and Matt Ochoa, brought excitement and energy to the crowd and was one of the best opening acts I have seen. They had everyone out of their seats, singing and dancing throughout their entire set. Dirty Heads combine rock, hip hop and reggae, in a fresh and innovative way that surprisingly works! Dirty J and Dubby B both take turns singing and rapping and seem to thrive off of the energy one another brings. They brought the house down with such hits as the reggae-infused, Cabin by the Sea and rock anthem, Medusa. Rome, a good friend to the band, even joined them onstage and towards the end of their set to perform Lay Me Down.

“I don’t practice Santeria

I ain’t got no crystal ball

Well, I had a million dollars but I, I’d spend it all…”

Come on, you know your singing it with me now! I grew up listening to this song, Santeria, along with other hits such as, What I Got and Wrong Way, from Sublime’s self-titled third album.

Sadly, lead singer Bradley Nowell died from a heroin overdose on May 25th, 1996, just two months before the official release of the album, which has since gone five times platinum. After Nowell’s death, surviving members Eric Wilson and Bud Gaugh went on to create new bands and collaborate with other artists, but it wasn’t until Rome Ramirez joined the duo in 2009 that the Sublime name was used again. Following a legal challenge from Nowell’s estate, the band changed their name to Sublime with Rome in January 2010. They released their debut album in July 2011 but Gaugh left the band just 5 short months later. Josh Freese joined Rome and Wilson in 2012 and the three of them currently make up Sublime with Rome. Hearing the original Sublime songs such as Badfish, Wrong Way, Santeria, and 40 oz. to Freedom was a fun walk down memory lane and the crowd sang along to every single word.

For an eclectic mix of new and exciting music along with nostalgic hits from the past, be sure to check out Sublime with Rome and Dirty Heads on tour through the end of the year!

Review and photos by Robbie Flores

All photos © Robbie Flores 2016