For those that have never seen a GWAR concert it is both a mind-blowing musical event and also a complete outrageous stage show. The songs are loud and offensive. The band members are in costumes that some people might consider offensive. And the stage acts are definitely grossly offensive to decency or morality, being well beyond the bounds of good taste and having no regard for morality. I LOVE IT.
It is also a messy show. Different band members and stage people stray fluids that resemble blood and other secretions on the audience throughout the show. If you want to be up front, then I would recommend wearing clothes that will be sprayed. Personally I have to cover my camera equipment to make sure it does not get messed up.
This is not an Alice Cooper style show. Take that show and amp it up to 100. If you truly want to see probably the most outrageous show ever, then I HIGHLY recommend seeing GWAR. I will be there and up front. I will be wearing the clothes from past concerts and have my camera gear covered in plastic. I hope to see all of you GWAR fanatics and fellow lunatics.
GWAR is being joined by GoatWhore and The Native Howl. Doors open at 6:30 with show starting at 7:30. Tickets available at either or . See you there.